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Jan. 6 2020
The holidays are one of my dad’s favorite times. It might be that all of his children are home or all the sweet treats my sister makes. But, I think it is the chance to hear from friends and family
Jan. 2 2020
I'm probably not alone when I say, "Bring on 2020!" To me, 2020 seems pretty big; a start of a new decade, and hopefully the start of some much-needed good luck for us all
Dec. 17 2019
Just a few months ago, a lifelong dairyman of 50 years suddenly passed away. In reflecting upon the humble farmer who put others and his cattle before himself, the officiant shared his unique perspective...
Dec. 16 2019
During the December Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, Bill Weiss from The Ohio State University about ration management during the transition period in “Feeding cows to reach their peak.”
Dec. 13 2019
I grew up absolutely living for contests such as Dairy Bowl, dairy judging, management contests, showing, and so much more
Dec. 11 2019
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . It’s going to taste like a duck!
Dec. 10 2019
You know those inspirational posters that hang in classrooms and doctors’ offices? They are there to instill a sense of purpose in those who read them
Dec. 9 2019
Last week I taught class of high school juniors and seniors about marketing, and we were discussing where their target audience would be using social media
Dec. 6 2019
There are a lot of farmers out there this year feeling pretty grinchy. Winter is coming, some of us are still harvesting, our finances aren’t getting any better, and with the recent news of Dean’s...
Dec. 5 2019
It’s the time of year to count our blessings. Let me hit rewind for a moment and recap our Thanksgiving
Dec. 3 2019
I was fortunate to have my sister, Megan Carey, spend her Thanksgiving holiday with us in St. Louis. We grew up on our parents’ dairy farm in Florida, and both stayed in the dairy industry albeit...
Dec. 2 2019
A new year is right around the corner, which means it is resolution season. Many consumers will be thinking about new health and fitness goals and looking for information on how they can meet them
Nov. 29 2019
Has there been too much negative talk about the current state of the dairy industry? Some might think so – especially this week when we’re supposed to express what we’re thankful for
Nov. 27 2019
Okay, I’m going to be honest here. I have never raised calves in my life. Yes, I know that’s a crazy notion for some, but it’s the truth
Nov. 26 2019
Another perfect fall day in the Northwest. Sun shining through perfectly colored leaves. A crisp, fresh air without a cloud in the sky
Gift blog pic
Nov. 22 2019
Yes, I know it’s not quite Thanksgiving yet, and some purists may believe that it’s too early to be thinking about Santa and stockings, but I disagree
Nov. 21 2019
The last day of July I received a phone call from my husband, Scott, that one of our off-site heifers was injured
Nov. 20 2019
Last week, when the news broke that Dean’s had filed for bankruptcy, I sat staring at my phone wondering what this meant for our family farm; you see, we ship our milk to Dean’s
Nov. 19 2019
University of Minnesota senior Emily Annexstad and her sophomore brother Matthias topped the collegiate and 4-H contests, respectively, held at the North American International Livestock Exposition in...
Spencer Co FFA
Nov. 19 2019
“A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution.” That is the definition of juggernaut, and Spencer County FFA in Kentucky has certainly earned the description after claiming their...